Sunday 3 July 2011


Not only is it one of my all time favourite words, but to me its also the encapsulation of truly wonderful concept. Who doesn´t feel happy when something unexpected happens that brings you joy and happiness?

I´m pretty sure we´ve all thought at some point in our lives, oh if only I had taken the blue pill instead of the red pill...hahaa okay, i´m joking, but really, I know sometimes I have thought about what might have happened if I hadn´t done something. And I used to drive myself crazy with regrets... but I´ve truly come to realise that whatever happens to us in life, good or bad, helps us grow as a person. And I´ve also learnt to listen to those wiser than us. My mammy is always right... never live with regrets. They will only destroy you. Accept, and move on.

And so, back to serendipity. The way of the world really surprises me sometimes, when something so unexpected happens. You know, it was a big decision for me to move to another country all by myself, leaving all my friends and family, and my security blanket. But I don´t for one second regret it. There have been times when it´s been so hard, and I´ve cried myself to sleep... the frustration, the loneliness, the uncertainty... but life is a rollercoaster, and after all the crap there comes the good stuff. And now I´ve found my place..I live in a great town, have a great job and starting to make a life for myself... im learning the language quickly and each day i understand more. I´m still shy when it comes to talking, but that´s me..Im shy in English, so why would it be different in Portuguese? hehe. But anyway, the serendipty i´m talking about recently, is meeting new and wonderful people. Despite language and cultural differences, you can just click with people and form the greatest friendships. Humour and kindess really do transcend all barriers. There is no definition or mould for the perfect friend...or boyfriend/girlfriend for that matter... when it´s right, it´s right..

Oh la la, life is serendipitous... so, enjoy it.

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