Friday 5 August 2011

Don´t you just hate it when...

You spend bloody 20 minutes of your life writing something, only to save it and it disappears?! What the fuck. Seriously…did it just spontaneously combust into the cybersphere?! Surely it´s there somewhere?! And now all my witty, hilarious comments (sarcasm…) are gone forever! Damn. You. Tumblr.

So I´m going to try again but I´ve lost all my enthusiasm and it wont be as good as my first attempt. Just so you know xP

Tomás being the totó that he is, managed to hurt his knee at work today and ended up going to the hospital. Me being me, complete drama queen was like OH MY GOD! and was rushing around trying to figure out how to get to the hospital to see him. I should have listened to him and just stayed at home to wait for him, but I didn’t want him to be alone and I wanted to look after him! So I jumped on the metro to Pragal with the vaguest idea of where the hospital was. Tomás words were: its the pink building near the 25 de abril bridge. Hmm. Great.

When I got off the metro I just walked in the direction I thought it was, not knowing I was actually walking through the Ghetto of Caparica - not a good start. Anyway, I thought it was going ok, until I realised all the fecking buildings around me were PINK! Tomás called me wondering where I was, and I said, er near lots of pink builidings!!! So anyway, his next instruction was to just. follow. the. road.. again very helpful… lol.

So, thus ensued more aimless walking, passing many dodgy looking characters and getting sunburnt… Eventually I see the hospital…but the next problem is er THE MASSIVE FENCE surrounding the complex… so I’m supposed to jump over the frigging thing?! Lets just say, I spent another 20 minutes trying to find the fucking entrance to the bastard hospital and got very frustrated.

Then Tomás calls me.. “Im done, where are you?”. Er, done?! What the fuck? In England, it would be at least 2 hours waiting to be seen etc etc. So then we spent ages on the phone describing what was around us trying to find each other. Now it seems amusing but at the time it was about to have a fit.

So long story short, he’s okay, just a little sore and I now know Pragal VERY well :)


Miguel Andrade said...

Funny: I thought it would take more time in Portugal than in the UK...

Vicki-Marie said...

hehe really? why?